Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A
(classical-language maxims, slogans, adages, proverbs, and words of wisdom that can still capture our modern imagination)
Expressions of general truths: Latin to English maxims, proverbs, and mottoes
Word entries are from Latin unless otherwise indicated.
2. Used in such sentences as, "I purchased two books @ $15.00 each."
Deciding what to call this @ symbol has become a problem for some internet users because prior to its use on the Web as a separator in e-mail addresses, it had a limited application in bookkeeping, invoicing, and related business uses. That’s why some people still refer to it as the “commercial at” or simply the “at” symbol; as in web sites; for example,
It is also used in emoticons (representation of facial expressions); such as, :-@ is meant to express a scream when it is desired to say something loudly because of anger.
Additional information about the name of @ may be found at amphora.
It has the meaning of using a threat of force instead of logic or persuasion.
Also translated as, "A young ox learns to plow from an older one." or "The young learn from their elders."
Equivalent to "from top to bottom".
Used in the Roman Catholic Church to mean that salvation comes from a personal commitment to the teachings of Christianity.
Some monarchs saw themselves as direct representatives of God on earth, so documents issued by them were often signed a Deo et Rege.
A Roman Catholic Church ritual, facing the altar with one's back to the congregation [referring to the celebrant].
If statement "A" is true, then a fortiori statement "B" must be true; for example, if students can't or won't do twenty minutes of homework each night, then a fortiori, they can't or won't do sixty minutes each night.
Equivalent to: "Between a rock and a hard place." "Between the devil and the deep blue sea."
The motto of the Dominion of Canada; also meaning, "From sea to sea."
In fact, for both Canada and the United States, the "seas" are really oceans. Although the Romans had the word oceanus, which they borrowed from the Greek okeanos, in Homer, it was considered to be a river that surrounded the earth.
The word mare was used more often to mean "ocean". Who could know the difference between oceans, seas, and rivers back in ancient Rome or even in Homer's time? In fact, there are many, even in our current existence, who cannot explain the differences.
Units of mottoes and proverbs listed by groups: A to X.